
Tapflo Solutions ™




Tapflo HVS tromletømmersystemet, er designet til at tømme højviskøse produkter, ved såvel industrielle som hygiejniske opgaver.

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HVS Quattro

HVS Quattro

Gør aflæsningen af meget tyktflydende væsker nemmere med vores High Viscosity System Quattro-type (HVS Quattro). Det er designet til applikationer med store mængder, hvor flere tromler (typisk fire) opbevares på paller.

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HVS Flexi

HVS Flexi

Tapflo HVS tromletømmersystemet, er designet til at tømme højviskøse produkter, ved såvel industrielle som hygiejniske opgaver.

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Skræddersyede flowløsninger

Integrated Solutions

Combining different flow components into one complex unit is an opportunity to suit individual customers’ needs, that are related to: required equipment & functionality, available space, position of connecting flanges, mobility.


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SKID - Customised Process Units

Based on strong experience in design and production, Tapflo offers wide range of compact process pumping systems. We create units that are dedicated to certain applications in certain industrial sectors.


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Tank Unit

Tank Unit for kemikalier

Tapflo´s tank serie af tank units, anvendes i de fleste industrier, hvor væsker skal lagres, pumpes og evt omrøres – nemt og økonomisk. Vores løsning er baseret på den klassiske gennemprøvede Tapflo T-serie membranpumpe.


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Automatition & Styring

Automation & Control solutions

Tapflo is proud to announce, that we have broaden our offer with automation & control solutions. By using both pneumatic and electric devices to monitor flow parameters, we are able to ensure safe work of all Tapflo pump units.


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Electronic Batch Controller


Elektronisk Doseringsenhed

Nu er det blevet nemt at dosere en nøje specificeret væskemængde med en luftdrevet membranpumpe.

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SLES Mixing

SLES Mixing & Dilution Unit

SLES* is an organic chemical compound with excellent cleansing and foaming properties. For this reason it is an ingredient of various detergents, household products, soaps and shampoos.


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Insulating Covers


Tapflo hygiejniske isoleringskapper, er dedikeret til brug med Tapflo tryklufdrevne membranpumper.

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Insulating Covers

In-line Blending System

Achieving precise ingredient blending for the desired end product, while maintaining strict proportions, accuracy, and sequence, poses a formidable challenge for industrial manufacturers.

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Mobile solutions


Én og samme pumpe kan avendes på flere lokationer i produktionsområdet Mobiliteten betyder en besparelse, da antallet af pumper kan minimeres.


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